Cleanroom made easy:
clever – versatile – pure


Cleanroom redefined

Forget steel or concrete. Think fabric to separate clean air from polluted air! Whether you need a certified cleanroom or a low-cost controlled environment - with sphairlab you get exactly what you need.

How does it work?

Sophisticated principle

The air inside the sphairlab is the “building material” - thanks to positive pressure, the fabric shell is kept static. The ventilation works according to the recirculation principle: It draws in the air outside the cleanroom, filters it precisely according to the required cleanliness class and distributes it evenly inside. The air escapes in a controlled manner through strategically placed flaps in the walls and is drawn in again by the ventilation system. The result is a system that meets the highest cleanliness requirements - flexibly and efficiently.

Maximum cost efficiency

You save pure money! Because fabric is cheaper than steel and concrete and still offers maximum stability and functionality. Even better: your cleanroom becomes mobile! You can set up and dismantle your sphairlab in record time, without any time-consuming construction work. It is also easy to transport and can be used at different locations. Perfect for changing requirements and maximum flexibility with minimum effort.

Functional design

It looks damn good! The clear, modern design language of the sphairlab not only makes it a technical highlight, but also a visual eye-catcher. The innovative combination of function and design gives your cleanroom a unique appearance that will impress employees, customers and partners equally.

Ansicht eines Reinraums


Save time thanks to the tent: your cleanroom at top speed - from consultation to set-up! Also available as a rental solution.


Focused on the essentials

We cut the high-quality, certified fabric to your individual requirements and wishes. This opens up unimagined design possibilities for the shell in every conceivable shape. Reliable ventilation technology ensures constant overpressure and keeps it permanently in shape.

Inside, the supplied long-life LED lighting puts workstations in the right light. Simple, pure and sufficient, right? The strengths of the sphairlab really come into their own for temporary and project-based use: simply let the air out at the end! What remains is the lightweight shell with a tiny transport and storage volume.

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appointment now!


Whether clean room or controlled environment: without building a new building, your sphairlab uses what is already there - for example an existing warehouse.

Contolled environment

Can it be a little less?

You don't need a cleanroom with its strict guidelines for your purposes?
Then simply opt for a sphairlab as a controlled environment!

The shells for the room and airlock are of the same high quality as the cleanroom, which guarantees high stability and durability. They benefit from the same robust materials and a well thought-out design that ensures reliable functionality. But: For the lower requirements for cleanliness in a controlled environment in accordance with VDA 19, a cost-optimized solution is completely sufficient. A less expensive ventilation system fulfills all the necessary tasks here, as it is primarily responsible for maintaining the pressure gradient. Complex airlock technology is not required, which further simplifies installation and operation.‍

There is another significant advantage when it comes to documentation: while cleanrooms require a great deal of effort to be tested and documented, the verification for a controlled environment is much less complex and quicker to prepare. This not only saves you valuable time, but also significantly reduces running costs. Thanks to these adaptations, the total price for a controlled environment is significantly lower than for a cleanroom - and with optimum benefits for your specific requirements. You get an efficient, tailor-made solution that delivers exactly what you need, without unnecessary additional costs or superfluous equipment.

So why buy more than you actually need? Rely on a solution that is both economical and functional - perfectly tailored to your requirements, flexible to use and a smart long-term investment!


Whether controlled environment or clean room: your sphairlab offers the space you need for your requirements.


sphairlabs in action

Tailor-made and attractive solutions for our customers:
This is what we are committed to, quickly and competently.
Simply give us a call!

Ansicht eines Reinraums an der RWTH Aachen

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„Due to the excellent support from sphairlab we were ready to scale our cleanroom area in no time. 5 weeks production time for a cleanroom ISO 7 is a benchmark. Now ready for a global production from Aachen, Germany“

Dr. Oliver Marseille


Hemovent GmbH

Warum findet die  Atemschutzmasken Produktion von Bosch Rexroth in einem sphairlab statt?
„Wir handeln im Sinne unseres Unternehmensgründers Robert Bosch – initiativ, zukunftsorientiert, verantwortlich und nachhaltig“

Claus Lau

Head of Manufacturing, Operations & Enginering

Bosch Rexroth AG, Erbach

„Unser neuer Reinraum besticht durch eine vollkommen andere Optik. Technisch und regulativ betreiben wir diesen Raum seit Jahren genauso wie unseren anderen Raum, mit dem wir schon 25 Jahre Erfahrung haben. Sehr unkompliziert und sicher.“

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Marko Pilz


mecora GmbH, Aachen

„Das sphairlab hat mich durch seine hohe Flexibilität und das textile, transparente Design überzeugt. Gerade in der akademischen Welt, in der keine kontinuierliche Produktion stattfindet, ist das sphairlab durch seine einfache Installation und Deinstallation ideal geeignet, um der periodischen, projektabhängigen Nutzung gerecht zu werden. Hierdurch können erhebliche Betriebskosten eingespart und eine flexible Raumnutzung ermöglicht werden.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Jockenhövel

NRW Schwerpunktprofessur BioTex – Biohybrid & Medical Textiles

RWTH Aachen, Institut für Angewandte Medizintechnik

"Ein sphairlab lässt sich gut in unterschiedliche Räume integrieren. Bei Bedarf lässt sich der Raum sogar abbauen und an anderer Stelle wieder neu aufbauen. Diese Eigenschaft, gemeinsam mit dem guten Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis und der ansprechenden Optik, haben uns die Entscheidung für ein sphairlab einfach gemacht."

Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Ralf Borchardt

Chief Technology Officer

enmodes GmbH

Warum Dr. Fritz Faulhaber GmbH & Co. KG ein sphairlab gekauft hat? Sphairlab bietet eine mobile Reinraumlösung, die innerhalb von 10 Wochen, von der Bestellung bis zur Inbetriebnahme, realisiert wurde. Der Raum wurde aufgrund der individuellen Herstellung ganz nach unseren Anforderungen und Platzverhältnissen konzipiert – ganz nach dem Motto „Leistung auf kleinstem Raum“.

Dank dieser flexiblen Lösung konnten wir unsere Reinraumkapazitäten schnell und kostengünstig erweitern.

Markus Bessey


Dr. Fritz Faulhaber GmbH & Co. KG

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Perfectly shaped

Attractive working in a futuristic design: the cleanroom future has long since begun with the sphairlab.