
sphairlab GmbH
Merzbrück 212
52146 Aachen
Telefon: +49-163-2518059

Responsible for content
sphairlab GmbH (Address as above)
Managing Director:
Max Lindemann
Heiko De Ben
Dr. Andreas Henseler

Handelsregistergericht: Amtsgericht Aachen
Handelsregisternummer: HRB 21922


Although the greatest care has been taken in compiling the information on this website and the most modern technical means have been used in its realization, it cannot be ruled out that it may contain erroneous, incomplete or inaccurate information without our knowledge. Therefore, sphairlab GmbH does not assume any express or implied warranty for the content of this website: The use of the website and the information provided there is at your own risk. sphairlab GmbH is therefore not liable for any damage resulting directly or indirectly from the use of the information on this website or any part thereof. sphairlab GmbH is also not liable for the type or content of the websites to which reference is made via links.